Simply Doodle is a 'basic' doodler with a simple set of tools, which you can mix at your leisure, allowing you to create some quite nice doodles!
- Simple yet effective tools which include:
- Various linestyles
- Preset thickness
- Fore- and background color
- Transparency
- Eraser
- Colorpicker
- Brighten transparent layers
- Presets (linestyle, thickness etc.)
- Filters
- Text with various styles and fonts
- Video player... View what you've just drawn as a video!
- Undo/redo
- Save/load your doodle
- Share your doodle
- Import a picture
- Manage your doodles (merge, batch share etc.)
- Create your own preset
- Help and tips
Well, that's it.
Why are you still here? Go doodle!
Updated according to Google's policies.
- Video can now show filter and brighten effects
- 'Make my preset' is now part of the color menu
- Disabled fill for straight lines (was same effect as stroke)
- Ads no longer block the screen for first touch after showing
(this prevented standard circles from being drawn)
- Fixed issue with video when doodle or picture was loaded
- Fixed inverted filter
- Added effects for drawing
- Rearranged the tools menu
- Colorpicker returned wrong color after setting a filter. Fixed that.
Changed main icon
Fixed some minor bugs
Added share app option
Added a basic video player
Fixed the size and position of the Color Wheels for low resolution screens
Resolved memory problems with Android 7 (Nougat)
Optimized the size of Simply Doodle
Balanced the frequency of ads, so they won't bug you too much :)
Opacity is now expressed as a percentage
Restructured 'My preset' which is now more intuitive
Fixed an issue with a specific combination of linestyle and circles